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MEC Achilles x Thrasher Kneeling Roll

Ginny's patent pending kneeling roll is special because it is compartmentalized. This ISSF approved design features 3 separate compartments to be filled with material of the athlete's choice such as plastic or cork. Because of the unique compartmentalized design, the material does not shift left or right when weight is applied.

This creates a repeatable foundation for a good kneeling position! It also creates consistent "walls" around the ankle to help improve positional balance. Ginny had this idea as a senior in college when she was falling off her kneeling roll in practice. She created an initial prototype with plastic bags and then a formal prototype that she shot with for all of 2019. She then partnered with the German shooting equipment company MEC to help design and manufacture a new version featuring her ideas and signature. You can check out the MEC Achilles x Thrasher Kneeling Roll 

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